Friday, March 12, 2010

Four Tips for Healthier Living You can do today

Here are simple four tips for healthier living you can start doing today:

1. Get educated on food and read labels. The more you know about the processing, ingredients and real nutritional value of the foods that are available, the more you'll be able to make better choices at the grocery store or lunch room.

2. Make fitness a priority in your life. Instead of having activity come after you run errands or watch TV, try making activity the first thing you do in the morning.

3. Cook, cook, cook! Being able to prepare your own meals and snacks is the absolute best way for most people to eat healthier and it doesn't have to be complicated -- a quick PB&J using whole grain rye and fruit spread instead of sugary jams is one fast example.

4. Place more value on food. If possible, channeling a bit more cash to your food budget in order to get better options will do your body a whole lot of good over the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!!

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