Friday, March 5, 2010


Everyone on the spiritual path talks about "awareness, awakening, enlightenment and being conscious.....etc." In our mind we make it very complicated and difficult. In reality it is simply being willing to NOTICE what you are thinking (or saying) about life. As we know, it is NOT about what is happening, but what you THINK about what is happening that counts. And like any other skill, it takes practice, practice, practice. When you learn that you can CHOOSE your thoughts, then you are "aware, awake, enlightened and conscious." When you experience this and know it is true, - this is the "truth that shall set you free".

No longer will it matter what other people say and do, nor what happens around you, because you are focused on what you want and how you feel. If you look around you can see how this works in life. Two role models I know who depict this truth, are the Dalai Lama and Greg Mortensen. You all know the Dalai Lama, and I hope you have read about Greg Mortensen. He has been building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan for the past 13 years. His books (Three Cups of Tea and Stones Into Schools) are best-sellers and very inspirational. He was second to Barack Obama to get the Nobel Peace Prize, and now he is working with our military forces in Afghanistan to teach them how to become friends with the local people, rather than enemies. He meets and talks regularly with the head of the Joint Chief of Staff, Mike Mullen. All he has done is stay focused on what he wants.

If it works for these two men in war torn countries, then I am certain it works for us in our lives.

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