Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Disclosure

Our Disclosure
Disclosure Statement for my blog to comply with the Federal Trade Commission's Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials 16 CFR Part 255 I share the following information, prepared December 1, 2009. This disclosure applies to my blog, Kit and Caboodle.Disclosure Statement for my blog to comply with the Federal Trade Commission's Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials 16 CFR Part 255 I share the following information, prepared December 1, 2009. This disclosure applies to my blog, Animal Echoes

Amazon Associates and Other Affiliate Programs
Purchases made through Amazon affiliate links or my Amazon Store on this blog yield a small referral fee. This applies to all purchases made on Amazon regardless of whether the product the consumer purchased was mentioned by me or not. The consumers purchases are confidential; I do not have the capability to track who has purchased items using my blogs Amazon Associate links.

I do write reviews of products that I use personally and provide links to those products via, but I am not paid directly by them to do so.

Google AdSense
I participate in Google AdSense advertising. I do not necessarily endorse products from the Google AdSense ads displayed on my blog. I do receive money for displaying ads on my sites.

Other Ads
At Times, we publish Ads on our site. We do receive money from these ads that published. We do not necessarily endorse the products or services that published.

Product or Service Reviews
We do publish reviews of products from time to time. Please note that these are our opinions and that they are only that. Mostly we are not compensated in any way to try a book, product, service, etc. We will state in each review, if we have been compensated or not. Please note, even if we are given a product, service, etc for free or reduce price, this will not effect the way we review a product. We will always give an honest opinions about a product or service.

If yo have any questions about this statement please email us at:

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